Keeping in line with my intention to focus my messages on love during the month of February, I got to thinking about how random acts of kindness or really kindness in general, can make such a difference in our lives. Acts of kindness can often be overlooked as insignificant things but at the end of the day, small things add up to big things. 

For instance, I’ve personally had so many people who have positively impacted my life in ways that they probably never have even given any thought to, yet it made a huge difference to me. I’ll use Beth as an example. Beth was a woman I met many years ago who was what I considered to be “a very big deal.“  She invited me to her big spacious office and proceeded to ask all about me and my aspirations. She listened to my story, and she inspired me to be better. She never once spoke about all her accomplishments. At the end of our conversation, she asked what she could do to help me achieve my dreams. Wow! For the first time in a very long time, I felt seen and heard by this person who wasn’t expecting anything from me in return.

For me, this was at a time in life when I was feeling particularly small and to have someone care in such a kind and authentic way gave me that boost of confidence I truly needed at the time. I didn’t even realize how much her kindness impacted my life until years later and I’ll carry that experience with me for years to come.  

Now, I’ve been fortunate to have many Beths come into my life over the years who have made inroads for me and have unknowingly opened pathways that I may never have discovered if not for their kindness. 

For Beth and all the Beths who have shown me such kindness throughout the years, I want to extend my deepest gratitude. And there have been many Beths, some of which have even been men, who have impacted my life. It’s not in the name so much as what’s behind the intention. 

Who has made a difference in your life with some simple act of kindness? 

Sometimes we forget that we haven’t come this far in life completely on our own. There are a lot of people who come and go in our lives who have contributed to our evolution. Kindness, or any gift, given without the expectation of reciprocation can be one of the kindest things we can do for others as well as for ourselves. 

Reflecting on all of this has given me inspiration to offer more of myself to others in ways that might touch their lives and make a difference. It’s the whole idea of the ripple effect you start when you take the first step towards kindness. You never know how one small act will make a difference in someone’s life today. Try it for yourself and then take a moment to experience how you feel when your actions make someone feel seen.  

As a coach, who once felt unseen in life, I now help others step into who they’re meant to be by giving them the tools and guidance to feel seen in their own lives. I invite you to forward this message to someone you know who may be feeling unseen giving them an extra dose of kindness today and hope for a better life. 

Schedule a confidential and complimentary consultation today to explore what’s possible for you.

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Michèle Heffron is a certified life, relationship & divorce coach whose mission is to empower women through life transitions to discover their purpose and create the life they desire. Her work stems from her life experiences and the lessons learned while paving her own path to empowerment. Michèle lives in Bellevue, Washington and serves clients in all 50 states.  

Learn more about Michèle:

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Listen to her podcast: Getting to the Heart on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Love & Light, 
