Are Your 2024 Goals Still Intact? A Personal Invitation to Transform Your Life Awaits!

Here we are, February 21st, a mere 52 days into the year. 

How are you doing on your goals for 2024? 

Have you made a dent in that 10, 20, or 30 pounds you were so eager to lose? 

Have you set in motion a plan to transition out of the job or relationship that’s left you feeling like a prisoner in your own life? 

Have you signed up for a gym membership and somehow forgotten how to get yourself there each morning? 

It happens so don’t beat yourself over it or make the same old excuses for not following through. The simple truth is that making a change—large or small—requires more than just thinking about or writing a list of ambitious desires on a piece of paper. 

Change requires deciding to change who you are being. To decide is to literally “cut off” leaving you with no options for turning back. No wonder we find it so hard to stick to our goals. It’s uncomfortable and a little scary! 

Trust me, I’ve not only been there, but I’ve also been known to pretend to make a decision knowing all along I had no intention of following through with what it would take to make the goal come to fruition. 

And in this world of immediate gratification, where we expect the instantaneous results of a 2-hour Amazon delivery, setting and achieving long-term (or even short-term) goals takes commitment and grit. 

I found that deciding to get some help by investing in myself made a huge difference for me. Afterall, if I was so serious about wanting to change and actually putting my own finances on the line, I was committed to doing whatever it took to pull my head out of the dark end to see what else was possible. 

If you are ready to find out just how limitless you are, could use a little help in the area of implementing real change in your life and are open to opportunities for growth, let’s connect for a confidential and complimentary consultation today. It’s easy. It’s free. Your new life is waiting for you to start! Email or schedule time on my calendar here

Love & Light, 

p.s. As I expand my reach, I invite you to forward this message to others in your network. Thank you!

Receive your copy of the 10 Signs of Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships click here.  

Michèle Heffron is a certified life, relationship & divorce coach whose mission is to empower women through life transitions to discover their purpose and create the life they desire. Her work stems from her life experiences and the lessons learned while paving her own path to empowerment. Michèle lives in Bellevue, Washington and serves clients in all 50 states.  

Learn more about Michèle:

Schedule your free consultation with Michèle

Listen to her podcast: Getting to the Heart on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.