No Judgement Zone

No Judgement Zone – Make a conscious effort NOT to judge anyone or anything for the day (including yourself). We tend to live in a world of perpetual judgement. We all do it, all throughout the day, without even realizing it sometimes. These judgements can also harbor negative emotions. So do what you can within your power to consciously not pass judgement on others during the day. And if you catch yourself judging, simply say “delete” and start again. At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect and write down what you’ve discovered about yourself—no judgement!

Taking care of yourself, both mentally and physically, is crucial as you navigate life transitions. You’re not alone, and there is a path forward, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. If you know someone that could use a little boost of Self Care, please feel free to share this tip with them by hitting the button below.