Finding the Right Divorce Attorney 

Finding the Right Divorce Attorney 

If you’re at the point of looking for a divorce attorney, you’re probably feeling a bit overwhelmed. Divorce is complicated, emotional, and let’s face it—it’s not something anyone ever truly expects to go through.Choosing the right attorney can feel daunting,...

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Facing the Void: Create a New You

Facing the Void: Create a New You

Ever feel like your life has been tossed into a blender and set on high, and now you're left wondering what happened to the carefully curated existence you once had? Yeah, me too. It's like one minute you’re on solid ground, and the next, the floor beneath you has...

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Your Life, Your Masterpiece

Your Life, Your Masterpiece

I seem to have a lot of people in my life right now who are going through a rough patch of sorts, in fact, a couple of them are facing unexpected life changes and even life-threatening illnesses. With each of these people, the question that comes up is, “What’s going...

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Write a Letter to Your Younger Self

Write a Letter to Your Younger Self

Write a Letter to Your Younger Self Write a Letter to Your Younger Self – Writing a letter to your younger self is a fun personal growth activity. It really gives you the opportunity to reflect on your life, and a lovely way to stay mindful and create awareness about...

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Attend an Outdoor Concert or Festival

Attend an Outdoor Concert or Festival

Attend an Outdoor Concert or Festival Attend an Outdoor Concert or Festival– If you’re fortunate enough to live near venues that offer outdoor music, take advantage of it. Even smaller local festivals and farmers markets offer live music that can be enjoyed while...

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Linger Over Breakfast

Linger Over Breakfast

Linger Over Breakfast Linger Over Breakfast – Pick your favorite little breakfast spot or host at home. Breakfast requires so little effort and yet, can be so fulfilling when you’re joined by your bestie or even a few of them. Laugh, reminisce, maybe even get a little...

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Never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion 

– Anonymous