5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before My Divorce

5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before My Divorce

Going through a divorce can feel like having the ground swept out from under your feet. I know because I’ve been there—twice in fact! As a life and divorce coach now, I look back and realize there were several things I wish I had known before my own divorce experiences. These insights might help you navigate this challenging time with a bit more clarity and strength. And yes, a touch of humor – because if you can’t laugh about it, you’ll cry!

1. It’s Okay to Feel Everything

One of the biggest lessons I learned was that it’s okay to feel every emotion that comes your way. Anger, sadness, relief, confusion – they all have their place in the healing process. I remember trying to stay strong for everyone else, putting on a brave face while I was breaking inside. If I could go back, I would allow myself to feel without judgment, understanding that these emotions are a natural response to a significant life change. Also, who knew a pint of ice cream could be both a comfort and a therapist?

2. Professional Support is Invaluable

While friends and family mean well, they often can’t provide the unbiased support you need during a divorce. I wish I had sought the guidance of a professional coach and/or a therapist earlier in the process. These professionals can offer tools and perspectives that loved ones simply can’t. They help you see the situation from different angles and equip you with strategies to move forward healthily. Plus, they won’t give you the side-eye when you bring up the same issue repeatedly – they actually encourage it!

3. Financial Literacy is Empowering

Divorce can be financially draining, and not understanding your financial situation can add to the stress. I regret not educating myself about our finances sooner. Understanding your financial standing, including assets, debts, and future financial needs, is crucial. It’s empowering to know where you stand and to plan your financial future with confidence. Think of it like learning to navigate a new city – you might get lost a few times, but soon enough, you’ll know all the shortcuts and best coffee shops.

4. Self-Care is Non-Negotiable

In the chaos of a divorce, self-care often takes a back seat. I wish I had prioritized my well-being more. Taking time for yourself is not selfish; it’s essential. Whether it’s through exercise, meditation, or simply enjoying a hobby, self-care helps maintain your mental and emotional health. Looking back, those moments of self-care were when I found the strength to keep going. Treat yourself like the royalty you are – bubble baths and tiaras optional but highly recommended.

5. Life Does Go On

During my divorce, it felt like the end of the world. But I’ve come to realize that life goes on, and there is joy and fulfillment on the other side. It’s important to hold on to hope and believe in a future where you can be happy and whole again. Embrace the uncertainty and trust that this chapter will lead to growth and new opportunities. Think of it as your very own season finale – the plot twists are wild, but the next season promises exciting new characters and adventures. Post-divorce life can be an exhilarating journey where you get to create the life of your dreams. It’s your chance to rediscover yourself, pursue passions, and build a life that truly reflects who you are and what you what you’re meant for.

As a life, relationship, and divorce coach, my journey through divorce has shaped the way I support my clients. I understand the pain and confusion, but I also know the potential for growth and renewal. If you’re going through a divorce, know that it’s a process, and it’s okay to seek help. You don’t have to go through it alone, and there’s a future waiting for you that’s brighter than you can imagine – and maybe even a little bit funnier too.

​Book your free consultation today ​

​and discover ​your pathway to a better life.​

Love and Light,



Transform your life from fine to FABULOUS

Transform your life from fine to FABULOUS

Earlier this year, I wrote a short email entitled “Why Settle for FINE When You can Have FABULOUS?” After the story was published, I received some awesome feedback from several people and few asked if I would share a few tips on how to go about becoming FABULOUS (thank you to those of you who read my emails and for your feedback).

So, here’s a little list of what I came up with as recently posted on the Divorced Girl Smiling website.

10 Things you can do to transform your life from fine to FABULOUS:

Going from fine to FABULOUS is meant to be fun, fulfilling, and all about YOU. This means putting YOU first. You may have been taught that putting yourself first in line is being selfish, self-centered, and immoral. Who in your life told you that? What did they base this unhelpful piece of unsolicited advice on? It’s time to throw that old nonsense out the window and step into your FABULOUSNESS. So, let’s adjust your thinking and dive into a few of my personal favorites for moving from fine to FABULOUS.

  • SELFLOVE It all starts here, and I believe it’s impossible to live a truly FABULOUS life without establishing a healthy sense of selflove. Selflove is not a feeling, it’s a way of life, it’s what we do for ourselves daily to remember who we are and what we’re meant for. Selfcare is an expression of selflove meaning you do and say things to generate an authentic sense of honoring YOU. It may come in the form of creating affirmations to remind yourself of how incredibly loved you are; it may come in the form of setting and enforcing healthy boundaries with people around you; and it takes practice, especially when a practice of selflove was never taught to you.

  • MEDITATION I usually get a lot of eye-rolling around this one. I wouldn’t even bother listing meditation or any of my tips unless I have personally implemented these practices into my FABULOUS life. Meditation has been around for a very long time, and it’s widely known that mindfulness meditation can generate a sense of awareness, peacefulness, and a calming demeanor. Certain types of meditation are backed by scientific evidence of mind and body- altering elements that literally can change a person’s life. If you’re not accustomed to meditation practice, start small. Just 5 minutes in the morning to let your mind be still and listen to whatever comes up for you. Setting a timer can be helpful and playing soft background music is a good place to start. Gradually add more time as until you get to 15 or 20 minutes. If you really want to take a deep dive here, I have many resources and personal favorites I’m happy to share. You can also find many resources online and in various apps on your phone. Start today and trust me, FABULOUS things will start happening in your life you never saw coming.

  • GRATITUDE – Even if you’ve heard this before, you may not be practicing it daily. I’m going to let you in on a little secret…Gratitude is the bomb! Have gratitude for everything, the good, the not so good, and even the downright ugly. Gratitude is a gift we give and receive all at that same time. According to A Course in Miracles, “to give and to receive are one in the same.” Think about it; you truly don’t have one without the other. Each morning, before you check your texts or social media, take a few minutes to express your gratitude for the people in your life (even those who are there to teach you something), the comfort of your bed, the smell of coffee brewing, or simply for the fact that you’re still breathing. Having an attitude of gratitude can quickly shift a bad mood into one of appreciation and joy. And what’s more FABULOUS than the feeling of joy?

  • REWRITE YOUR STORY – Get yourself a blank notebook or journal, one that looks and feels special to you. Start writing. This can be in the form of a daily journal; a place to spill out your feelings, to write out your gratitude, goals, affirmations, or your story. This is for your eyes only unless you choose to share. If the story you tell yourself solicits the feeling of anger, pain, shame, or makes you feel like a victim (certainly not FABULOUS), use this beautiful book to rewrite your story, to create a better future for yourself, making you the most FABULOUS version of you you’ve ever known. If you don’t feel comfortable writing, especially when it comes to heartfelt feelings, just try jotting down a sentence or two each day. After time, you’ll become more comfortable with this life-changing practice, and in a snap, you will become that new and improved version of yourself in real life.

  • MOVE YOUR BODY – Your journey from fine to FABULOUS must include some form of body movement. Your body craves it and deserves it! This doesn’t mean you need to hit the gym or start yoga practice unless that’s what brings you joy. It simply means do something. Get outside for a walk around the block or your favorite trail. Get outside and breathe in some fresh air and if possible, enjoy the sounds of nature, give yourself this gift of time. If weather conditions or city living makes walking outdoors difficult, find another outlet. I have a friend who started taking Salsa lessons and is hooked! Another friend started taking Pickleball lessons at her local YMCA and has developed a whole new circle of playful “Picklers” and never misses the opportunity to play. And still another, gathered a group of work buddies who dedicate their lunch hours to walking together three times a week.

  • CELEBRATE – Every little win in life moves us closer to FABULOUS. Each time you make a little progress, establish a ritual of celebration. The changes may seem small and incremental, but honestly, if you make the non-negotiable decision to get yourself out of the ho-hum feeling of fine to see just how FABULOUS life can get, you will begin to experience life in a much different way almost immediately. And when you do, it’s time to celebrate you. This can be anything from expressing gratitude, picking a flower from the garden, treating yourself to something special or going big and taking a trip to get away from your everyday surroundings.

  • BUBBLES & BATH – Create the feeling of a luxury spa in your own home. It’s amazing how a relaxing warm bubble bath in the evening (or any time of day) can change your perspective on life. With the intention of feeling fabulous, turn on some relaxing music, light some scented candles, turn down the lights, and step into a warm, luxurious bath to take yourself away from the mundane for just a little while. Let your mind drift away from all your woes and troubles of the day and visualize the fabulous life that would really delight you! If you’re feeling extravagant, pour a glass of wine and indulge in a soothing facial mask. This is a wonderful, easy, and inexpensive way to celebrate your FABULOUS self.

  • ENVIRONMENT – Spruce up your surroundings. Nothing screams fine like old, faded throw pillows, tattered towels, and stacks of useless clutter. If you’re like most of us, you’ve accumulated closets, drawers, bookcases, and spaces filled with unused and usually unneeded stuff. Your surroundings have a direct effect on your sense of self and when you’re transitioning from fine to FABULOUS, you’re going to want to take a hard look at how you are really treating yourself. Schedule a day, a weekend, or an entire month dedicated to decluttering. You will find that the more you declutter and clean up your surroundings, the more you will declutter and clear up your mind. If you can’t bring yourself to part with “something you might need down the road” enlist the help of a “real” friend and hire a professional to help you discard the old and make room for something better.

  • PAMPER YOURSELF – One of my first coaches challenged me to treat myself to something special every time I reached a benchmark goal or experienced a breakthrough in my evolution. This one goes hand in hand with CELEBRATE but takes it a step further so at end of every 90 days, I would buy myself something special, take myself out for a glass of champagne, or book a special skincare treatment at my favorite spa. Taking a couple of hours out of my day to luxuriate in the care of a skilled esthetician like my friend Noreen Siao at her spa in Bellevue, WA always snaps me back into feeling FABULOUS at the end of a hectic day. Whether you love a spa treatment, an afternoon of shopping, or a special night out, take the time to invest in your FABULOUSNESS by pampering yourself.

  • GO BIG! Taking yourself away from your usual routine is sure to open up opportunities to help you move from fine to FABULOUS. Make it non-negotiable to take yourself away from the humdrum daily monotony and go someplace, even if it’s just the next town over. If this is a foreign concept, there’s hope. The first time took myself away I rented a tiny, dog-friendly Airbnb up on a nearby island and spent 3 glorious January days with my dog, walking on the beach, reading by the fire, journaling, and visualizing my future. I didn’t have much money back then, but I knew if I could get away, I could start moving my life in the direction I truly desired. And I knew I wanted my life to be FABULOUS. Now, I take at least two European trips per year along with others closer to home. I have built a network of FABULOUS friends globally who love and support me and I’m always open to the next adventure. If you’re looking for something really special to make you feel FABULOUS, check out my friend, Wendy Harrop and join her for a specially curated trip to the South of France!
  • BONUS TIP! Hire a Coach and accelerate your transformation into FABULOUS in time to kick off the holidays!

​Start TODAY by scheduling a free and confidential consultation with me and together we’ll explore how FABULOUS life can be for you!​

Michèle Heffron – Helping women get to the heart of who they are and what they’re meant for.

A certified life, relationship, and divorce coach who draws on her own life experiences with divorce, career transitions, money issues, and relationship dynamics to help other people navigate through their own life transitions. Michèle’s personal belief in the power of coaching is a living testament to what’s possible for us all when we simply let things go, ask for help, and open up our hearts to see what else is possible. Whether faced with something as monumental as a divorce, becoming an empty-nester, or simply looking for what’s next in life, Michèle guides her clients through the process of transformation by listening, asking questions (the kind your girlfriends would never ask), and provides a safe, nonjudgemental space for them to share and express feelings while they gain clarity about their path forward in their new life.Book a free consultation to learn more Michèle’s Calendar

Visit www.micheleheffron.com

Podcast: Getting to the Heart: Life, Relationships, Divorce

Love and Light,



What are you waiting for? 

What are you waiting for? 

One of my favorite poems by the great Dr. Suess is called The Waiting Place 

“The waiting place… 

…for people just waiting. 

Waiting for the train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the  

rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around  

for a Yes or a No or waiting for their hair to grow! 

Everyone is just waiting. 

Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite or waiting around for  

Friday night or waiting for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil, or a Better Break 

Or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants or a wig with curls, or Another Chance. 

Everyone is just waiting.  

NO! That’s not for you! 

somehow you’ll escape all that waiting and staying. 

You’ll find the bright places 

where Boom Bands are playing…” 

What is with all this waiting?  

Ok, to be honest, I’ve done my fair share of waiting over the years and pretending I didn’t have any options when it came to going after what I truly desired.  I was always waiting for something or someone else to change so I could give myself permission to move forward in life. Why? Because, like so many people I meet, I feared the unknown, not to mention the fact that if I dared to step into my truth I would surely stumble and fall, potentially exposing myself to judgement and criticism (by a bunch of people who were also living in fear—oh brother!). And the biggest reason for waiting…I lived with a great sense of lack and scarcity. I didn’t believe enough in myself to know I had everything I needed to escape all that waiting and go for the life I truly deserved and desired.  

I wanted to share this thought today because as many of you know, I spent last week soaking in the beauty and splendidness of Florence, Italy and thoroughly immersed myself in the relaxed and dreamy ways of Tuscan culture. The food, the wine, the people, the shopping, and the energy of this glorious region had me mesmerized feeling like I could move mountains from the moment I stepped onto the tarmac at Peretola Airport.  And the amazing group of women I was with attending a Mastermind Retreat, made the experience even more iconic. In fact, the theme of this trip was all about creating your Iconic Life.  

Just a few short years ago, this experience was only a distant dream. Never in a hundred years did I think I could create my own Iconic Life. Coming off a divorce, raising kids, and barely able to support myself financially, I didn’t realize any of this was possible until it hurt too much to stay stuck and I made the crucial decision to change my life. Anyone can do it…including you!  

You deserve your own version of an Iconic Life. What are you waiting for?  

Let’s schedule your free consultation today and together we’ll discover what’s possible for you!  

Love and Light,
