Unwritten Dreams: Choosing to Follow Your Path Before It’s Too Late

Unwritten Dreams: Choosing to Follow Your Path Before It’s Too Late

Oh, the stories we tell ourselves about why we wait for what we truly want in our lives.  

It took me years—decades really—to fully embrace what this means. And when I finally decided to do something about it, people thought I was crazy and speculated my sanity. So often throughout my life, I’ve heard the message, “you should be content with what you have”.  

Why would any of us be content with what we have when we’ve also been told to “follow our dreams”. Why did we bother hanging all those ridiculous posters on our adolescent walls telling us the sky is the limit when that’s not really what we’re supposed to believe. It’s all very confusing. No wonder so many of us choose to stay in our little cocoons of mediocrity for entire lifetimes.  

Over the course of the last 4 years, I’ve lost both my parents to some form of cancer. And yes, they were both in their early 80s when they died, but they died with unfulfilled dreams and regrets for a life of “undoneness”. Heart-breaking to say the least.  

Up until about the time my dad became ill, my parents had been a vibrant couple, playing golf and socializing with friends and family, while living between homes in the Pacific Northwest and the California desert—what appeared to be a pretty good life. On the downside, however, they bickered a lot and both could be highly critical of one another and others. In the end, both wished they had done things differently.  

Two years after being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma my dad—also lovingly known as Sir or Mic—died after a brief stay in an assisted living home. The COVID Pandemic and rules restricting family from visiting made this especially hard on him as well as the rest of my family. A year and a half later, mom (aka Doreen), succumbed to the complications of uterine sarcoma, another deadly form of cancer. It all happened so fast; I still find myself waking up ready to make that morning check-in call only to realize no one will answer.  

I spent a considerable amount of time with Doreen in the end, especially in her final weeks. It was the first time I ever recalled her sharing her sadness and remorse from not going after many of her dreams. For example, she was still regretful for having started and not finishing nursing school. Instead, she dropped out to marry my dad at the young age of 20, supported him through college, and ended up working in the front office of various doctors for the next 25 years—never as a nurse. She also held much guilt for her rigidness and constant need for the appearance of perfection. Whether it be clothing, the house, or yard, everything always had to look perfect. It was painful for us all, and as it turns out, it was especially painful for her. I now see that this was just her way of covering up her pain for an unfulfilled life. How sad.  

Towards the end, my mom shared how proud she was of me and the way I chose not to listen to all the critics, including her (which didn’t always go over very well). She finally understood who I am and always have been but for the illusion of the nonsense I allowed myself to live under for so many years. She understood why I could no longer wait to follow my dreams and get out of the race leading nowhere.  

My message for you, if I can do this, so can you! I believe we all have this ability and are all capable of creating our own dream life. In my work, I see women just on the verge of going for their big dream only to put themselves, once again, on the back burner, waiting until the “time is right”. As long as you keep telling yourself it’s not the right time or there’s not enough money, there won’t be. It’s time to change your story and put an end to the waiting.  

If you’re tired of waiting and schedule a discovery call with me today and find out just what’s possible for you!  

Schedule Your Free Consultation Now

Love and Light,


Embracing the Unplanned: How the Universe Shows Us the Beauty in the Unexpected

Embracing the Unplanned: How the Universe Shows Us the Beauty in the Unexpected

Do you ever wonder why sometimes the best laid plans take an unexpected turn leaving you in a lurch, frustrated, or even angry? It could be an invitation from the Universe to see things through a different lens.  

Recently, I was on one of my travel excursions to the South of France where I was to convene with 13 women from around the globe for our last Mastermind Retreat of the year. I carefully planned this trip so I could spend some time on the beaches of St. Tropez and Cannes before our 3-day meetings began.  

Apparently, the Universe had different plans for me!

After a long day of flying from Seattle to DC, the pilot came on to let us know that the airport was closed due to a severe thunder and lightning storm and that we would be rerouted to Raleigh Durham, NC for the night. Great, now I’d miss my connection to Dublin! Little did I know, that was the least of my problems! Over the course of the next few days, I found myself in places I could never have predicted. Disappointed? Yes. Mad? No.  

After four days and four flights, three continents, two rather interesting hotel stays, a night held captive in the DC airport, a crowed train and one set of clothes, I arrived in Cannes. From Seattle, to Raleigh, to DC, to Casablanca (yep, the one in Morocco), to Nice, then finally onto Cannes. After all of that, the €26 glass of champagne was completely worth it! 

This unexpected turn of events would have spun a less evolved version of me into feeling like a victim, and I may not have behaved with grace and compassion for the many people who were doing their best to help everyone who had been stranded. However, I kept asking myself, “what am I meant to learn from this experience?” “What wisdom does the Universe want me to gain from this seemingly unfortunate roundabout way to my destination?”  

As I reflected on these questions with the knowledge that life is happening for me rather than to me, I reminded myself of the wonderful new friend who sat next to me on the flight out of Seattle. She came all the way from Virginia to gather up her mother-in-law and accompany her back for a family visit. That’s love. We ended up spending quite a lot of time together, and now, I have a new friend on the other side of the country! 

I also met a charismatic young Arabic man named Faizullah who worked as an esthetician at the airport “spa” in Casablanca. I had plenty of time before my flight, so giving into his charm, I agreed to an electronic chair massage for €9. Once he had me securely seated in the chair with the mechanical hands doing their best to massage my tired muscles, Faizullah went on to sell me the benefits of Argan and Prickly Pear skin care products. What could I do? After enjoying traditional mint tea served in a crystal glass and yummy Arabic cookies, I walked out of his shop with €100 worth of skin care products.  

When I give myself permission to see things differently, I feel more at peace, less anxious, and confident that everything will work out for me.  

When life happens in seemingly “undesirable” ways, there’s a nugget of wisdom to be discovered. How you choose to see your situation can make or break your day. It’s up to you.  

I’m here, if you could use a new perspective on life. Schedule your free consultation today.

The Transformative Power of Journaling: A Season of Cleansing and Renewal

The Transformative Power of Journaling: A Season of Cleansing and Renewal

As we enter September, a month that embodies cleansing and renewal, it’s the perfect time to consider incorporating the transformative practice of journaling into your daily life.

Amid the whirlwind of our routines, especially as summer transitions to fall, moments of peace can feel hard to come by. Yet, there’s a simple tool that offers clarity, grounding, and renewal: journaling.

Let Go of Stress and Embrace Renewal

In this season of new beginnings, it’s natural to feel the weight of lingering stress. Journaling offers a way to release that pressure, creating space for clarity and rejuvenation. By writing down your thoughts, feelings, and concerns, you create a sacred space for self-expression. This act of releasing onto paper allows you to let go of mental clutter, offering a sense of relief and renewal.

Research even shows that journaling can lower cortisol levels—the hormone associated with stress. As you write, you untangle the chaos, making room for calm and regaining a sense of control over your emotions. This September, why not make journaling your tool for shedding what no longer serves you.

Reclaim Your Confidence and Growth

Journaling is not just about letting go—it’s also about growth. In this season of fresh starts, chronicling your accomplishments and progress helps reinforce a positive self-image. By reflecting on your goals, even the smallest wins, you remind yourself of your resilience and strength.

Setting new intentions for the coming months and tracking them in your journal can be a powerful way to cultivate confidence. As you witness your growth, you’ll find yourself feeling renewed, empowered, and ready totake on what’s next with a fresh mindset.

The Science of Reflection and Healing

There’s more to journaling than just words on a page. Studies show that expressive writing improves mood, reduces anxiety, and promotes overall well-being. Journaling offers a deeper level of reflection that can help you reconnect with your true self, especially during times of transition.

Getting Started: Tips for

Journaling During This Season of Renewal

  • Set aside dedicated time: Make space for journaling in your daily routine. Just like the changing seasons, consistency brings renewal. I find that beginning my day with meditation and journaling sets the tone for a more centered day.
  • Write without judgment: Let your thoughts flow freely. This is your personal space for exploration, where your words don’t need to be perfect—just honest.
  • Experiment with styles: Whether it’s gratitude journaling, goal-setting, or stream-of-consciousness writing, explore what resonates with you.
  • Focus on affirmations: Use your journal as a tool to foster optimism. This September, embrace affirmations that align with your renewal goals.
  • Reflect and renew: Look back on previous entries to see how far you’ve come.

Reflection is a powerful way to acknowledge the transformations that have unfolded in your life.

As the leaves begin to turn and the air becomes crisp, let journaling be your tool for shedding the old and welcoming the new. Whether you seek stress relief, a confidence boost, or a way to document your growth,journaling offers a path to renewal this season.

If you don’t know where to start, click below to download a free copy of my favorite Journaling Prompts to inspire your writing journey.

10 Things You Should Never Say to a Friend Going Through a Divorce

10 Things You Should Never Say to a Friend Going Through a Divorce

I know I’ve put other pieces out like this, but it keeps coming up so here’s a new take on the subject. Divorce is one of those life experiences where even the best-intentioned friends can find themselves suddenly becoming the person who says the wrong thing at the wrong time. If you’ve got a friend going through this, and you want to avoid any foot-in-mouth moments, here are ten things you probably should never say. 

  1. “I never liked them anyway.”
    This one’s a classic. You think you’re showing loyalty, but instead, you’ve just put yourself on the “Things My Friend Didn’t Tell Me” list. Besides, if they patch things up (it happens!), you’ve just made future dinner parties a bit awkward. 
  2. “You’re better off without them.”
    This might be true—eventually. But in the heat of the moment, when your friend is reeling from the shock, it’s a bit like telling someone who’s just dropped their ice cream cone that they didn’t need the calories anyway. 
  3. “I saw this coming.”
    Nobody likes a Monday morning quarterback, especially when their whole life is up in the air. You might as well be saying, “Why didn’t you do something sooner?” Even if you saw the storm clouds on the horizon, now is not the time to play weather forecaster. 
  4. “At least you didn’t have kids.”
    Ah, the silver lining approach. Except, there’s no silver lining big enough to cover the storm that is divorce. Kids or no kids, this is a messy, painful process, and minimizing it isn’t going to win you any points. 
  5. “You should try online dating!”
    Yes, because that’s exactly what someone wants to do after their world just fell apart—jump into the shallow end of the dating pool. Let’s not rush things; there’s plenty of time for them to rediscover the joys of awkward first dates. 
  6. “What happened?”
    Envision this: your friend is drowning, and instead of throwing them a life raft, you ask how they got into the water in the first place. Not exactly helpful. If they want to share the story, they will, but don’t turn into a detective looking for clues. 
  7. “You’ll find someone better.”
    Even if they will, right now, your friend is likely in the “all love is doomed” phase. It’s like telling someone with a broken leg that they’ll run a marathon one day. Sure, it’s possible, but they’re not really in the mood for motivational speeches just yet. 
  8. “Everything happens for a reason.”
    Unless you’re prepared to explain the grand plan behind their heartbreak, it’s best to skip this one. Sometimes, life is just hard, and trying to put a philosophical spin on it can feel a bit like adding insult to injury. 
  9. “You’re so strong; you’ll get through this.”
    Your friend might look strong, but that doesn’t mean they want to be. Sometimes, they just want to be a puddle of tears, and that’s okay. Let them be weak without reminding them of how tough they need to be. 
  10. “I know exactly how you feel.”
    Even if you’ve been through a divorce yourself, resist the urge to draw parallels. Every relationship is unique, and your friend’s experience is theirs alone. Instead of comparing war stories, just be there to listen. Sometimes, that’s all they need. 

So, if you find yourself talking to a friend going through a divorce, remember less is more. Offer a shoulder, a sympathetic ear, and maybe a glass of wine. Everything else can wait. 

Divorce can be a challenging and isolating experience, and having the right support can make all the difference. If you’re navigating the complexities of divorce or just need someone to talk to about the next steps, I’m here to help. Schedule a complimentary consultation with me today, and let’s work together to find the clarity and peace you deserve. 

Schedule Your Free Consultation Now

Love and Light,


Attend an Outdoor Concert or Festival

Attend an Outdoor Concert or Festival

Attend an Outdoor Concert or Festival

Attend an Outdoor Concert or Festival– If you’re fortunate enough to live near venues that offer outdoor music, take advantage of it. Even smaller local festivals and farmers markets offer live music that can be enjoyed while strolling through the various vendors. There’s something about the way music carries in the wide-open space which adds a hint of romanticism to the sound wafting over the crowd. This one is high on my summertime selfcare list.

Taking care of yourself, both mentally and physically, is crucial as you navigate life transitions. You’re not alone, and there is a path forward, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. If you know someone that could use a little boost of Self Care, please feel free to share this tip with them by hitting the button below.

Attend an Outdoor Concert or Festival

Linger Over Breakfast

Linger Over Breakfast

Linger Over Breakfast – Pick your favorite little breakfast spot or host at home. Breakfast requires so little effort and yet, can be so fulfilling when you’re joined by your bestie or even a few of them. Laugh, reminisce, maybe even get a little weepy. The point is to get out of your normal routine and into a more pleasurable place where you can unwind and just be you.  

Taking care of yourself, both mentally and physically, is crucial as you navigate life transitions. You’re not alone, and there is a path forward, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. If you know someone that could use a little boost of Self Care, please feel free to share this tip with them by hitting the button below.