Have you ever considered just how much things change in your life over the course of time? Bit by bit, day by day, we become different people—that is if we choose to.

A thousand days ago, one of my mentor/coaches presented me with the 1000-day challenge.

What exactly is a 1000-day challenge?

Essentially, you create a vision of the life you desire unhindered by your own self-limiting beliefs. Some of the things you might say to yourself:

In 1000 days…

  • Do I love who I’m being to myself and to others?
  • How do I desire to show up?
  • Do I love what I am doing and who I’m doing it with?
  • Where do I live and with whom?
  • What do my relationships feel and look like?

When I agreed to this challenge, the very notion of creating a vision of what I wanted seemed nearly impossible.

I was working as the Executive Director of a National Nonprofit in what I once imagined to be my dream job, but I was beginning to see how misaligned I was in that role. My father had recently died; and before there was time to grieve one loss, my mother was showing signs of a serious illness that ultimately took her life. I was in a relationship that, while fun and comfortable, didn’t seem to be going anywhere.

From the outside though, my life looked pretty good. I was in relatively good health, lived in a beautiful downtown high-rise, I had lots of friends, a loving companion—my goldendoodle, Izzy—and the ability and freedom to travel frequently to places I loved.

In my heart, however, I felt lost and a little alone. I knew I was meant for so much more.

While I felt a little unworthy about receiving more from life, I managed to eek out a vague narrative of my vision which included my career, my purpose, my income, my relationships, and more.

Day by day, the days have clicked by, and I’ve undergone much of the transformation I set out to experience. Not everything has come to fruition in the way I thought it would; mostly due to my small thinking and getting in my own way, but that’s another story.

As I wrap up 2024, my 1000 days has also come to an end. The amazing thing for me is that over the course of a 1000 days, my life is completely different then it was when I started and I now know how powerful my thoughts and intentions can be, if only I allow myself to dream big and believe.

I’m excited to start my next 1000-day challenge on January 1, 2025, and this time, I’m going really big!

I’d like to personally invite you to join me on this journey of a 1000 days and if you could use some extra support along the way, schedule your free consultation with me today and together we’ll explore what’s possible for you!

Love and Light,
Michèle Heffron
Getting to the Heart – Who You Are and What You’re Meant For

If you’re navigating a major life transition and aren’t sure where to start, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to uncover what’s possible for you in this new chapter. Schedule a free consultation with me today and take the first step toward creating a life that feels true to you.

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