When Kids Get Caught in the Crossfire

When Kids Get Caught in the Crossfire

Divorce is messy. It’s emotional. And let’s face it—sometimes, in the heat of the moment, we let our worst instincts take the wheel. But when it comes to our kids, those moments of weakness can leave lasting scars. 

I know this because I’ve been there. I’ve felt the frustration and fear that divorce brings, and I’ll admit it—I didn’t always handle it the way I wish I had. I let my annoyance with my ex dictate my behavior. I let my anxiety and fear spill over onto my kids. I wanted them on my side, as if there was ever supposed to be a side. I didn’t see, in those moments, how deeply unfair that was—not just to them, but to myself. 

Looking back, I realize that what my kids needed most wasn’t for me to win or prove a point. They needed me to show up for them as their mom, to reassure them that they were safe and loved, and that I could handle the hard stuff so they didn’t have to. 

The Impact of Putting Kids in the Middle 

When parents let their kids get caught in the crossfire of a divorce, the damage can run deep. Kids of all ages—from toddlers to grown adults—are deeply affected by high-conflict situations. 

When kids are made to feel like messengers between parents, they internalize the tension. They may feel torn, confused, or responsible for keeping the peace. Constant conflict between parents can lead to feelings of insecurity and anxiety, and in some cases, even depression. 

Disparaging the other parent, even subtly, sends a damaging message: that one of the two people your child loves most in the world isn’t good enough. It creates loyalty conflicts, guilt, and emotional turmoil that no child should have to bear. 

And here’s something else that’s often overlooked: when kids are dragged into the drama, they’re given opportunities to manipulate the situation. They may play one parent against the other, not because they’re bad kids, but because they’re trying to survive in a world that feels out of control. 

What Your Kids Really Need 

Your kids don’t need you to be perfect, but they need you to be present. They need to know that no matter what’s happening between you and their other parent, you are their constant. 

Reassure them that they’re loved and that everything will be okay. Let them know they’re not responsible for fixing things, taking care of you, or choosing sides. They are kids—they deserve to feel safe, supported, and free to love both parents without guilt. 

It’s not easy to rise above the emotions of divorce. Believe me, I know how hard it can be to bite your tongue or keep your cool when your ex is pushing every button you have. But your kids are watching. They’re learning from how you handle this moment. 

My Wish for You—and for Them 

If I could go back, I’d change so many things. I’d hold onto my power instead of giving it away in moments of frustration. I’d focus on my kids’ needs instead of my own fear and anxiety. I’d remind them, over and over, that they didn’t need to worry about me because I could handle it. 

And that’s my wish for you. You don’t have to get it perfect—none of us do. But you can decide, starting today, to show up differently. To choose love over conflict, reassurance over blame, and maturity over impulsiveness. 

If you’re struggling with this, you’re not alone. Divorce is hard and navigating it with kids makes it even harder. But you don’t have to figure it out on your own. 

I help parents just like you create a path forward that’s healthier for you and your kids. Let’s work together to rewrite the story and help you step into the best version of yourself during this transition. 

Schedule a free consultation with me today, and let’s talk about how we can get there together. Because your kids deserve your best—and so do you. 

Love and Light,
Michèle Heffron
Getting to the Heart – Who You Are and What You’re Meant For

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what’s possible when you have the right support by your side!

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Self Care Saturday

Self Care Saturday

Tiny Donation

Look around your home for one item that could serve someone else better than it currently serves you. Donate it with the intention of creating more openness in your life. By releasing even a single object, you’re symbolically making space for new experiences and stories to unfold.

Taking care of yourself, both mentally and physically, is crucial as you navigate life transitions. You’re not alone, and there is a path forward, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. If you know someone that could use a little boost of Self Care, please feel free to share this tip with them by hitting the button below.





What’s the True Cost of Saying Yes, When You Want to Say NO?

What’s the True Cost of Saying Yes, When You Want to Say NO?

I’ll admit it—I’ve spent a good chunk of my life saying yes when I desperately wanted to say no. Not because I really wanted to go along with someone else’s plan or because I didn’t have my own opinion, but because I was terrified of being seen as selfish. I was afraid of the judgment, of the disappointment etched on someone else’s face.

I think back to all the little moments. Saying yes to splitting a meal I didn’t want because I didn’t want to seem difficult. Agreeing to plans when all I needed was a quiet evening to recharge. Staying in a relationship that no longer felt right, where the connection was frayed, and the misalignment was undeniable. Each yes felt small in the moment, but they added up, like stitching together a suit that never quite fit. I told myself it was fine, that I could adjust, but the truth was—it was suffocating. And with every thread, I moved further away from the person I truly was.

And here’s the thing—they were all small yeses at the time. Tiny decisions I convinced myself didn’t matter much. But over time, those small yeses built a wall, brick by brick, between the life I was living and the life I truly wanted. And the cost of those yeses wasn’t just frustration or fatigue—it was something deeper. It drained me of my energy, my passion, and my connection to who I was at my core.

The Battle Within

What’s even trickier is that once you’ve spent years saying yes out of fear, you start to turn that fear inward. Even when your heart is screaming yes to something you long for—an adventure, a passion project, a bold leap into the unknown—your mind whispers, Don’t be foolish. Be practical. What if it doesn’t work out?

It’s an exhausting dance, isn’t it? The constant tug-of-war between your true self and the self you think the world expects you to be. We spend so much time bending ourselves into shapes we were never meant to take, all to avoid the discomfort of saying no or the fear of stepping outside the lines.

But here’s what I’ve learned: those who truly love us, who see us for who we are, will never ask us to betray ourselves. They won’t demand we trade our authenticity for their comfort.

The Cost of Betraying Ourselves

Every time we say yes when we mean no, a tiny piece of our energy, our life force, drains away. It’s not always obvious at first. Maybe we chalk it up to being tired or stressed, or we convince ourselves we’re doing the right thing by keeping the peace. But over time, that depletion becomes undeniable.

Our souls grow weary from the constant disconnection. The very spark that makes us feel alive—our creativity, our passion, our joy—dims when we force ourselves into a life that doesn’t align with who we are.

Stepping Back into Alignment

Learning to say no isn’t just about setting boundaries with others—it’s about setting boundaries with ourselves. It’s about pausing long enough to ask: What do I truly want? What feels right for me? What aligns with my values and my joy?

This isn’t easy work, especially if you’ve spent years—or decades—putting others first. But it’s necessary if you want to live a life that feels like yours. And here’s the good news: it’s never too late to start.

Your Next Step

If any of this resonates with you, I want you to know that you’re not alone. This is something so many of us face, and it’s not a journey you have to navigate by yourself.

If you’re ready to start letting your yes, be yes and your no, be no—to start living in alignment with who you really are.

Schedule a free consultation with me today, and let’s explore how you can start saying yes to yourself. Because the life you’re meant for is waiting—it’s just on the other side of that first courageous no.

Love and Light,
Michèle Heffron
Getting to the Heart – Who You Are and What You’re Meant For

Schedule your complimentary consultation today and discover

what’s possible when you have the right support by your side!

Schedule Your Free Consultation Now



Navigating Divorce: Real Emotions, Real Growth

Navigating Divorce: Real Emotions, Real Growth

Divorce isn’t something most of us see coming when we say, “I do.” And when it does happen, it’s not tidy or easy—it’s raw, messy, and often fueled by anger, resentment, or grief. I know this because I’ve been there, and I didn’t handle it well.

My second divorce was a wake-up call, but not in the way you might think. At the time, I let my emotions take the wheel. I lashed out, made impulsive decisions, and let my pain dictate my actions. Looking back, I can see how much harder I made things for myself. The aftermath didn’t just hurt me—it rippled into every part of my life.

But here’s the thing: no matter how messy it gets, there’s always room to grow, to reflect, and to rebuild—not perfectly, but better. It took me years of hard work, deep self-reflection, and a lot of humility to understand how I could have shown up differently. That’s the work I now do with my clients: helping them navigate their divorce with more awareness, less regret, and a focus on the life waiting for them on the other side.

Embracing the Storm

Divorce brings up the kind of emotions that make you question your own sanity. One moment, you’re furious; the next, you’re drowning in sadness or consumed by guilt. It’s okay to feel all of it—every ounce of anger, heartbreak, and fear. What matters is how you channel it.

Here’s the truth: you can’t control your ex. You can’t rewrite what’s already happened. But you can control how you show up, even when it feels like your world is falling apart. Start by asking yourself:

  • What kind of person do I want to be in this process?
  • How do I want to look back on this chapter a year from now?
  • What is my intention for the outcome of my divorce?

It’s not about being perfect. It’s about making choices—imperfect, human choices—that reflect your values and keep you moving toward the life you want.

The Power of Awareness

When I work with clients, one of the first things we focus on is awareness. Divorce has a way of making you feel like a puppet—your emotions pulling the strings. But the moment you become aware of what’s driving your reactions, you regain some control.

Start by noticing patterns. Do you lash out in emails or texts? Do you replay the same argument in your head, over and over? Awareness doesn’t mean fixing everything at once. It means taking a breath and asking, Is this how I want to respond?

Sometimes, just pausing is enough to shift the trajectory of a conversation or a decision.

Learning to See Beyond the Now

In the thick of divorce, it’s hard to imagine a future that doesn’t feel like this. The pain is sharp, the emotions overwhelming, and the uncertainty unbearable. But here’s a truth that took me years to understand, this is a season, not a lifetime.

Even when it feels impossible, try to picture a version of yourself a year or two from now. What kind of life do you want to wake up to? What do you want for your children, your home, your peace of mind?

That vision won’t ease the pain or erase the past, but it can give you a direction. Every decision you make—no matter how small—can move you closer to that future or further from it.

Practical Steps for the Journey

Divorce isn’t just emotional; it’s practical, too. And those practical decisions can feel overwhelming when you’re already running on empty. Here are a few steps to keep you grounded:

  • Create a support system. Whether it’s a coach, therapist or trustedfriends, surround yourself with people who can offer guidance without judgment.
  • Get organized. Start gathering financial documents, understanding your assets, and making lists of what matters most to you.
  • Pause before reacting or taking action. Not every message needs an immediate response. Give yourself time to process before you reply.
  • Set boundaries. Decide what you will and won’t tolerate and stick to it. Boundaries differ from walls and are an act of self-respect, not selfishness.
  • Focus on self-care. It sounds cliché, but you can’t make good decisions when you’re running on fumes. Rest, nourish yourself, and take moments of calm where you can find them.

A Chance to Rebuild

Divorce will test you in ways you never imagined, but it can also teach you. I didn’t understand that at first. I thought divorce was something to get through, to survive. What I’ve learned—and what I help others see—is that it’s also an opportunity.

It’s a chance to reflect on how you want to show up in life, not just during the process, but long after it’s over. It’s a chance to rebuild—not perfectly, not without missteps—but with intention.

If you’re in the thick of it right now, I see you. I know how hard it is. And I also know that you’re stronger than you think. You don’t have to do this alone. Whether it’s working with a coach, leaning on a therapist, or just taking that first small step, help is here when you’re ready.

Because this isn’t just the end of something—it’s the beginning of everything you’re meant for.

Love and Light,
Michèle Heffron
Getting to the Heart – Who You Are and What You’re Meant For

Schedule your complimentary consultation today and discover

what’s possible when you have the right support by your side!

Schedule Your Free Consultation Now



Celebrating Small Wins During Divorce: Why They Matter

Celebrating Small Wins During Divorce: Why They Matter

When I think about celebrating small wins, it reminds me of a story from a client who we’ll call Mary. Mary was navigating her divorce with the weight of the world on her shoulders, feeling overwhelmed by the unknown. She wasn’t sure where to start, and every day felt like one more step on a never-ending uphill climb. Like many, she was stuck in the idea that her life wouldn’t be okay until all the pieces fell perfectly into place.

But here’s the thing: waiting for that perfect “big win” before allowing yourself to feel proud or happy is a trap. You’re not just surviving until that day arrives.You’re growing. Expanding. Becoming someone stronger, someone wiser. And that deserves recognition every single step of the way.

One afternoon, Mary called me after attending her first mediation session. “It wasn’t much,” she sighed, “but I didn’t break down and cry. I managed to stay calm and step into my power, even when he tried to push my buttons.”

“Wait, hold on,” I interrupted. “That’s huge. You stayed calm. You stepped into your power. You didn’t cry. That’s NOT nothing, Mary. That’s a win.

At first, she wasn’t sure she could call it a win. Like many of us, she was conditioned to think a victory had to look like a finalized divorce settlement, a signed decree, or a court battle won. But in reality, those “big wins” are built on a series of small, sometimes almost imperceptible steps forward.

The process of divorce—whether you’re just considering it, in the thick of it, or finding your footing post-divorce—isn’t one big moment of transformation. It’s a journey. And along that journey, it’s the small wins that keep you moving, that remind you of your strength, that help you feel like you’ve got this.

Why We Need to Celebrate the Small Stuff

Divorce is emotionally draining, to say the least. Whether it’s the late-night tears, the overwhelming paperwork, or the moments of doubt that creep in when you least expect them, the emotional toll is heavy. But when you shift your focus to celebrating small wins, you start to see the light breaking through the clouds.

Small wins are the proof that you’re evolving, that you’re making progress, even when it feels like the world is standing still. They’re the tiny victories that say, “Yes, you’re doing this. And yes, you’re going to come out stronger.”

In Mary’s case, staying calm during mediation was a big step in reclaiming her power. For someone else, it might be making that phone call to a coach or an attorney after weeks of procrastination. For you, it could be simply getting out of bed on a day when the weight of it all feels too much. These small moments are not insignificant. They are evidence of your resilience.

What Does Celebrating Small Wins Look Like?

Celebrating your wins doesn’t mean throwing a party every time you handle a tough conversation or check something off your to-do list (but, hey, if that’s your thing, go for it!). It can be as simple as acknowledging your progress.

  • Pause and reflect. At the end of each day, take a moment to ask yourself: “What did I accomplish today, no matter how small?” Even if it’s just managing to keep your cool when you didn’t think you could, write it down.
  • Treat yourself. Whether it’s indulging in a favorite cup of tea, going for a walk, or taking 20 minutes to read that book you’ve been meaning to get into, allow yourself a small reward when you overcome a hurdle. This is important!
  • Share your win with someone who gets it. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or coach (hi!), sharing your win with someone who understands the weight of it can make the victory feel even more real.

The Ripple Effect of Small Wins

When you start celebrating the small wins, something magical happens—you begin to shift your mindset. You stop waiting for the finish line and start appreciating the journey. And when you do that, your confidence grows, your resilience strengthens, and suddenly, the mountain doesn’t look so impossible anymore.

Mary’s small win at mediation led to more wins. She started handling her ex’s emails with a little more detachment, setting better boundaries with her kids’ schedules, and eventually making decisions from a place of calm, not panic. It wasn’t just about “getting through” her divorce—it was about reclaiming her sense of self and power along the way.

So, whether your win today is as small as completing a form, asking for help, or even just getting dressed and out the door, celebrate it. Because it’s not about the size of the win—it’s about the momentum. Every small win you celebrate is one step closer to becoming the person you’re meant to be, a stronger and more grounded version of you.

Keep Going, and Keep Celebrating

Divorce, like life, isn’t a one-time transformation. It’s a process of continuous growth and evolution. So, let’s keep celebrating those small wins—because when you look back, those tiny steps will be the very things that got you to where you’re meant to be.

And trust me, when you get there, you’ll be so grateful you didn’t wait until the finish line to acknowledge your incredible strength.

Now go ahead, ask yourself: What’s your small win today? Whatever it is, take a moment to celebrate it. You’ve earned it.

Love and Light,
Michèle Heffron
Getting to the Heart – Who You Are and What You’re Meant For

If you’re ready, I’m here. Let’s talk. Together, we’ll make sure this year feels like a fresh start—not just another year of feeling stuck.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Now



New Year, New Choices: Finding Clarity and Confidence Through Divorce

New Year, New Choices: Finding Clarity and Confidence Through Divorce

The new year often brings a sense of fresh beginnings, but it can also highlight the tough decisions we’ve been putting off. If you’re considering divorce, this moment might feel like standing at the edge of an uncertain future—filled with sadness, confusion, and maybe even a glimmer of hope. It’s not an easy place to be, but you don’t have to face it alone.

Divorce isn’t just about ending a relationship; it’s about redefining your life and finding a path that feels true to who you are and where you want to go. If you’re feeling stuck, it’s important to remember that this process isn’t about blame—it’s about truth.Recognizing what’s not working and taking intentional steps toward a better future is a courageous act, one that can create a ripple of positive change for everyone involved, including your partner and your children.

Seeing Beyond the Present

When emotions run high, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s possible. Anger, guilt, sadness, and fear can feel all-consuming, making it hard to see a way forward. That’s where discernment comes in—stepping back from the overwhelm to ask yourself,

“What kind of life do I want to build for myself and my family?”

As a divorce coach, I help my clients find clarity in these moments. I don’t make decisions for you; I help you navigate the emotional and practical complexities so you can approach this transition with intention and confidence. Together, we focus not just on where you are today, but on the life you want to create moving forward.

The Benefits of Coaching

Divorce can feel like a maze of decisions and emotions. Working with a coach offers you a guide through the process—a steady partner who helps you make thoughtful, informed choices that align with your values and vision. Here’s how coaching can help:

Understanding and Managing Your Emotions

Divorce stirs up a storm of emotions, from anger and sadness to guilt and fear. These feelings are natural, but they don’t have to control you. I create a safe, supportive space for you to process what you’re feeling, so emotions don’t cloud your decisions. Together, we’ll explore healthy ways to respond to challenges, ensuring you stay grounded and clear-headed.

Gaining Clarity and Confidence

When the path ahead feels murky, I help you uncover what truly matters. We’ll explore questions like:

  • Who do you want to be during this process?
  • What values do you want to honor?
  • What kind of future do you envision for yourself and your family?

By answering these questions, you’ll gain clarity about your goals and make choices that align with your long-term happiness.

Navigating Difficult Conversations

Divorce often requires challenging conversations—with your spouse, your children, or your legal team. These moments can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to derail you. I’ll help you approach these conversations with calm and care, reducing conflict and fostering understanding. With the right tools, communication becomes a bridge rather than a battleground.

Creating a Vision for the Future

Divorce isn’t just the end of something—it’s the beginning of a new chapter. Together, we’ll craft a vision for what comes next. Who do you want to become? What kind of life do you want to create? With a clear sense of purpose, you’ll feel empowered to take the first steps toward a future that excites and fulfills you.

Guidance Through the Divorce Landscape

Divorce involves more than emotions—it’s a process filled with legal, financial, and logistical decisions. I help you understand the options available to you, whether it’s hiring an attorney, mediator, or financial advisor, or preparing for real estate decisions. This isn’t about making those decisions for you; it’s about giving you the knowledge and confidence to choose what’s right for your situation. By understanding the process, you’ll save time, reduce stress, and feel more in control of your journey.

Take the Next Step Toward Clarity

Divorce is one of life’s most challenging transitions, but it’s also an opportunity to rediscover yourself and create a life that feels authentic and fulfilling. With the right guidance, you can navigate this journey with grace and confidence.

If you’re ready to explore your options and take the first step toward a better future, I’d love to help. Together, we’ll clarify your goals, manage your emotions, and create a thoughtful plan for moving forward.

The future you’re envisioning is possible, and it starts with a conversation. Let’s talk.

Love and Light,
Michèle Heffron
Getting to the Heart – Who You Are and What You’re Meant For

If you’re ready, I’m here. Let’s talk. Together, we’ll make sure this year feels like a fresh start—not just another year of feeling stuck.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Now