The Subtle Magic of Friendship: Three Women, a French Press and a Life Long Bond
Twenty years ago, two women showed up in my life that I never imagined would become the angels they are to me today.
We were three moms in a new preschool class at a very small private school. Our three boys became fast friends, naturally connecting the three moms who might never crossed paths in a different time and place. We could never have known how our unlikely bond would evolve into a tried and true friendship over the span of more than two decades.
That summer, the three moms, our 5-year-old boys, a 3-year-old girl, and Rosie, my dog, set off for a big adventure to the sun-drenched banks of Sun Lakes State Park and Resort. I use the term Resort very loosely as many of the cabins and singlewide mobile homes have weathered the harsh winters and wicked-hot summers since 1959. It’s not fancy!
What started as a weekend road trip evolved into a weeklong adventure for many years to come. Over those years, life happened for us all, friendships grew stronger, kids grew up—elementary, middle school, high school and eventually college; feathers ruffled and unruffled, lots of laughter, hours spent on the beach, outdoor movies, floaty toys, sunscreen, bug spray, bicycles, flat tires, extra friends, countless meals prepared and cleaned up after, and so much more. Sun Lakes became a magical place for all of us.
Pretty much every topic under the sun was discussed while sunbathing at the beach, which often involved a glass of champagne or some other ice cold beverage.
One year, the girls asked me “If there were no consequences and money wasn’t an issue, what would you do?” I responded without skipping a beat “I would leave!”
You see, I had become increasingly aware of the undeniable fact that I was drowning in a marriage that was anything but happy and healthy. The control, the pretending everything was fine, and the realization that I was becoming invisible were all too much for me to bear.
It would be a year later before I actually worked up the courage to leave. With the help of family and friends I found myself moving from our large suburban home to a tiny cottage furnished with second-hand leftovers. Moving day was long and filled with all sorts of emotions but also a sense of freedom.
Everything seemed to be going well until I realized in somewhat of a panic, that I didn’t have a way to make my morning coffee. Never mind the fact that I just left nearly my entire life behind! The one thing that sent me over the edge was the lack of morning coffee and somehow, I associated this seemingly insignificant oversight with my lack of worthiness.
Good grief!
So, what do good girlfriends do? They go out and buy a beautiful French Press, a pound of my favorite dark-roast coffee, a beautiful new mug, and flowers and leave them on your doorstep to let you know how much they care. This is love.
I don’t see these ladies much during the year, but every fall, we pack up and head east for our annual trip, picking up just where we left off. Last week, we once again set off for the shores of Sun Lakes, but this year, the first time in 7 years, we were joined by our amazing kids, now in their mid-twenties. The trip was more magical than ever and for me, a special reminder that you just never know why someone comes into your life. Have gratitude for them all.
Love and Light,